ACH Group Accreditation

Demonstrating our commitment to international standards through accreditation and certifications.

Trusted by industry-leading partners around the globe
Schade Mclanahan Aumund Group
Ensuring Quality Management Systems for Excellence
Our ISO 9001:2015 certification demonstrates our commitment to maintaining high standards in quality management systems. By adhering to this internationally recognized standard, we ensure that our processes and procedures consistently meet customer requirements and deliver superior results. With ISO 9001:2015 certification, our clients can have confidence in the quality of our services and solutions.
ISO 3834-2:2021 Certification: Promoting Environmental Responsibility
The ISO 3834-2:2021 certification is an internationally recognized standard for environmental management. It demonstrates our commitment to minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability.
Discover Our Services Today

We provide comprehensive engineering and project management solutions for the mining, power generation, freight logistics, and construction industries.